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additional resources
*Please note, this list is not exhaustive and does not serve as an endorsement of these services. We encourage you to determine for yourself if these services are a good fit for you.
Therapy Referrals
After learning more about Becs and Jimmy and visiting the FAQs page you've decided we're not the right fit, that is totally ok! We want you to work with someone who is aligned with you and can support you in your journey. Unfortunately we cannot provide individual consultation to help you find the right therapist for you, so please consider the follow directories and resources for where to look next:
OpenPathCollective.Org (low cost therapy providers are listed here) (LGBTQIA+ affirming therapists and other wellness practioners) (culturally responsive, social justice-oriented therapists)
Psychology Today
Emergency/Crisis Mental Health Care
**If you are in immediate need of mental health support and are at risk to harm yourself or others, please visit your nearest emergency room or contact one of the following support lines:
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line: 833-773-2445 (24/7 support. Call or text)
National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or 988 (24/7 support)
Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860 (run by and for Trans people)
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 (for LGBTQ+ young people, ages 13-24)
LGBTQIA+ Community Resources
National Resources
The GLBT National Resource List
Local and National database of over 15,000 resources.
Massachusetts Resources
SAYFTEE is a socially conscious group practice offering a range of services including family therapy, individual therapy, couple/relationship therapy, groups, workshops, training, consultation, and supervision for gender expansive and LGBTQI+ people and those who love them.
Fenway Health
Provides comprehensive medical services and support to the LGBTQIA+ community in and around Boston.
The Stonewall Center at UMass Amherst
Provides a guide to community LGBTQIA+ resources and supports. To view, please click here.
You can also click here to view their "Western Massachusetts Trans Resource Guide".
Vermont Resources
Outright Vermont
A local guide to accessing gender affirming care and LGBTQIA+ resources and supports.
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